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If your component needs to fetch data asynchronously, you need to suspend the layout engine because it will automatically start the parsing process immediately.

For instance, calling an API endpoint as an asynchronous operation, you need to suspend the layout engine until the component receives the response from API and renders it.

const key = "static key";
const { release } = useLayoutSuspension(key);

The hook accepts a static key as parameter; it is expected that this key not changed even after mount and unmount the component. So avoid using random values for this key; for instance, in the Image component, the key used for calling the hook is the image src property.

useLayoutSuspension returns a release function that must be called after the asynchronous operation gets completed in order to release the suspension.


Components will mount and unmount during the layout process at least two times. In order to have better performance, it is better to use a library like react-query that cache the API response. So the component only gets the data one time per layout.

This hook only suspends the layout process once per key regardless of the number of mount and unmount.