The Route component assign a path to a report, so you can server multiple reports in one project, All routes must be direct children of Browser Router.
<Route path="report-1" element={<Report1 />} isDefault />
Name | Type | Is Required | Description |
path | string | ✅ | Route URL path |
Route | ComponentType | ✅ | The represented component (report) by the URL path |
isDefault | boolean | ❌ | Default: false |
If the current URL does not match any route's path, Browser Router will use the first Route, which has isDefault=true
function App() {
return (
<Route path="report-1" component={Report1} isDefault />
<Route path="report-2" component={Report2} />
function Report1() {
return (
<Section dimension={pageSize.A6} margin={pageMargin.Narrow}>
function Report2() {
return (
<Section dimension={pageSize.A5} margin={pageMargin.Narrow}>