I started the project with react-report as the name, but the npm package name had already got reserved. I was looking for a simple global NPM package name; I tested a dozen other related names without any luck, then looked for the history of the report, paper, and printing to find a proper name. Again, all of them already have a package in npm. Eventually, I got some help from my cat. I put him over the keyboard to find a free global package name, but that one is also already occupied 😅

In the history of printing I faced the "Jikji" book, according to Wikipedia it is the world's oldest extant book printed with movable metal type. it is a Korean Buddhist document and it can be translated to Anthology of Great Buddhist Priests' Zen Teachings.
I liked the name and the relation of it to the printing and finally, it was free to take as a global package name 🤩.